Thursday 16 February 2023

Wheat Production Technology in Pakistan

 Production Technology of Wheat in Pakistan

    Wheat is widely grown in various regions of Pakistan, with the typical planting time following cotton, rice, and sugarcane in irrigated areas. In both Pakistan and India, wheat yields tend to be higher in irrigated regions than in rainfed areas. To increase wheat production by up to 25%, farmers often employ crop rotation techniques.

    Compared to other cereal crops, wheat typically has a higher protein content. By utilizing a balanced approach to fertilizer use, we can effectively manage wheat production and ensure high-quality yields.

wheat plants

Growth stages of wheat:

    The wheat plant goes through several distinct stages of growth, including:
  1. Pre-emergence stage
  2. Emergence stage
  3. Vegetative stage
  4. Root growth stage
  5. Tillering stage
  6. Jointing stage
  7. Reproductive stage
  8. Maturity stage
    Each of these stages is critical to the plant's growth and development, from the initial germination of the seed to the maturation of the wheat grain. By understanding these stages and managing the crop accordingly, farmers can help ensure healthy growth and maximize yields.

1.  Pre-emerging stage:

    The germination of seeds gives rise to seminal roots and coleoptiles.

2. Emergence stage:

    When wheat seeds begin to germinate, the coleoptile emerges from the soil and becomes visible above the surface.

3. Vegetative stage:

As young wheat plants continue to grow, they establish a more extensive root system that allows them to absorb water and nutrients more efficiently from the soil.

5. Tillering stage:

    The tillering stage is a critical growth phase for wheat plants. During this stage, the plant begins to produce additional stems from the base of the main shoot. These additional stems, known as tillers, grow upward and develop their own leaves, which increases the overall leaf area of the plant.

    Tillering typically begins 2-3 weeks after emergence and continues for several weeks, with the number of tillers increasing as the plant develops. The extent of tillering can be influenced by several factors, including temperature, moisture, and soil fertility. With adequate moisture and nutrients, the plant can produce a greater number of tillers, which can ultimately lead to a higher grain yield.

6. Jointing stage:

    The jointing stage is an important growth phase in the development of wheat plants. It typically occurs around 6-7 weeks after emergence, depending on environmental conditions. During this stage, the stem of the wheat plant begins to elongate rapidly, and the first node appears at the base of the flag leaf.

7. Reproductive stage:

    At this stage, spikes become emerging from the leaf sheath.

8. Maturity stage:

    The maturity stage is the final growth phase in the development of the wheat plant. During this stage, the wheat plant has completed its reproductive phase, and the grain has reached its maximum size and weight. The plant's leaves and stems begin to turn yellow and die back, and the grain begins to dry and harden.

Wheat varieties growing in Irrigated Areas:

    There are several wheat varieties that are commonly grown in irrigated areas of Pakistan, including:

    Seher, Punjab-96, Kiran-95, NARC-2009, Inqilab-91

Verities of Rain-fed areas:

  • The following are examples of wheat varieties commonly grown in Pakistan:
  • Pakistan 2013, NARC 2009, Chakwal 50

In KPK Irrigated areas:

  • Hashim 2008, Pirsabak 2008, NARC11, Pirsabak 2004

In KPK Rain-fed areas:

Preparation of soil before sowing:

  • Use disease-resistant wheat seed varieties or use disease-free seeds for planting to mitigate the effects of the disease.
  • Soak the seeds in water for 4-6 hours and then dry them under shade before sowing.
  • Treat the seeds with fungicide at a rate of 2gm/kg to further prevent disease.
  • Ensure that the soil surface is level for proper distribution of water and soil moisture.
  • Prior to sowing, plow the soil surface with a chisel plow and uproot any weeds to prevent competition with the wheat.
  • Use a rotavator to break up any soil clods and create a fine, even soil bed.
  • Apply manure properly to the leveled field to increase the efficiency and productivity of the wheat crop.

Pre-harvest Management Practices

Planting Method:

  • The drill sowing method is considered the optimal approach for wheat cultivation, as it facilitates uniform seed placement, appropriate seed depth, and improved crop yields.
  • However, in many wheat-growing regions of Pakistan, the broadcast method is widely used due to its simplicity and lower cost. This method involves spreading wheat seeds over the soil surface and then using a light tillage method to incorporate the seeds into the soil.


  • The number of required irrigations for wheat may vary depending on the specific soil and region. Typically, wheat cultivation requires 4-7 irrigations throughout the growing season.
  • Irrigation is particularly crucial 20-25 days after sowing, during the booting stage, and at the milking stage. These stages are critical for wheat growth and development and require sufficient water to ensure optimal yields.

Green Manuring:

  • The addition of organic matter is a crucial factor in promoting optimal wheat growth and achieving high crop yields. Farmyard manure is an excellent source of organic matter and can be applied to the field at a rate of 8-10 tons per acre to improve soil quality.
  • Adding farm yard manure to the soil can help to increase soil fertility, promote soil structure, and increase soil water-holding capacity. By improving the organic matter content of the soil, farmers can promote healthier crop growth, reduce the incidence of plant diseases, and achieve higher yields.

Fertilizer Usage:

  • For average soil add 1-2 bags of DAP and 2-3 bags of urea before the sowing of wheat. 

Foliar Application:

    Mostly the soil of Pakistan is deficient in zinc. To tackle this problem zinc is applied at the interval of 15 days. 


    Hoeing and Chemical applications are used to remove the weeds in the field. 

Disease-free seed:

    It is very important for the better production of wheat with the best quality grains using disease-free seeds.

Post Harvest care

Harvesting and threshing:

  • For threshing use disease-free equipment for the proper and pure wheat seeds. Ask the thresher operator to clean their tools before entering the field.


  • Avoid excessive shattering of wheat seeds in the field. Shattering can happen in the field through birds, tools, and also through dispersing wind.


  • It is the main reason in Pakistan for the loss of grains on a large scale. It is estimated that about 15.3% of losses occur due to transportation in Pakistan. But losses on an experimental basis in UAF are about 7.37%. 

Delayed Threshing in the field:

  •  There is no delay in threshing if this happens then wind and rains cause severe losses. 

Reasons for threshing losses:

  • Threshing tools should be properly cleaned before use to avoid contamination from previous harvests.
  • It is important to have a skilled operator to handle the thresher to avoid any damage to the grain and ensure proper separation of wheat from the straw.
  • Threshing should be done in the direction of wind velocity to prevent the spreading of wheat straws over a large area.

Losses during storage:

  • Avoid using chemicals for long-term storage, as they may not be suitable for household use.
  • Ensure that there is no entrance of air in the storage area to prevent mold and moisture buildup.
  • Keep the storage area free from animals such as dogs, cats, rats, and other pests.
  • Regularly inspect the storage area and the grain to check for any signs of insect or pathogen infestation.
  • Use neem leaves to help prevent pathogen attacks in the storage area.
  • Store wheat in an elevated area to prevent water damage and insect infestations.
  • Maintain a moisture content level of 9-12% for proper storage.
  • Use gunny bags, which are an effective option for wheat storage due to their breathable material and ability to prevent insect infestations.

Wheat diseases:

    There are some diseases and their control is given, these diseases included common bunt Tilletia caries, Kernal Bunt / Partial Bunt, Flag smut, Fusarium head blight, Fusarium wilt, etc.

To achieve better, pure, and healthier grains, it is crucial for farmers to adhere to the following instructions:

  • For optimal crop growth, it is essential to cultivate the recommended varieties. 
  • Weeds should be eliminated from the field to prevent competition for nutrients and resources. 
  • To ensure consistency, it is recommended to grow the same variety in the same plot.
  • Irrigation and fertilization should be applied on schedule to promote healthy growth and maximize yields. 
  • If a pure variety of wheat is desired, it is important to use a cleaned thresher and its associated tools. 
  • Additionally, the moisture content should be maintained below 10%.
  • To further ensure the quality of the wheat, it is advisable to utilize seed graders to remove any contaminated wheat seeds. 
  • Finally, to prevent pest infestations, fumigation can be carried out in the storage room.



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